IBEC provides a worldwide connection of professional Associate Partners serving a widely diversified range of clients from universities, major fortune 500 companies, churches and ministry organizations to small businesses and start-up companies. From China to Africa, Turkey to the United Kingdom and the United States, IBEC is presenting and assisting in the implementation of innovative solutions for educational and business clients.
The “IBEC Way” is to do whatever is required and exceed expectations; building strong relationships with clients of mutual trust. Our approach is to establish a relationship of integrity and trust and perform the services within the relationship. This greatly enhances and creates an atmosphere for providing the highest quality of client services by combining cooperation and superior communication between client organization and IBEC. business-development-consultants
Degree completion programs for the experienced learner. Earn degrees by flexible methodologies from UNESCO listed and Ministry of Education approved Universities which are recognized in the USA and abroad.
Our Partner, The American Association for Higher Education & Accreditation, Inc (Formerly AAHE), is in 'Consultative Status' with the 'United Nations', and is one of the oldest associations in the United States dedicated to the advancement of higher education. The AAHEA has maintained continuous ties to the original AAHE incorporation that was founded in 1969, and is still working under the same 501-C3 Non-Profit Organizational Charter. This statement can be verified by the United States Government as well as the IRS. The papers are on file at our office for anyone interested in perusing the official documents.
Services include advice on starting a small business, writing marketing plans, writing business plans, business operations analysis, management consulting, marketing and business operations consulting, manufacturing consulting, service industry consulting, business security, partnering and much more.
Just about everything pertaining to the overall operation of a college or university, from start-up, to regulatory affairs. They work with colleges, universities, academic medical centers, public and private schools, educational providers, corporate universities, and for-profit providers of educational services. They typically work with the provost or a vice president on a wide range of issues, including strategic planning, competitive positioning, performance management, student and teacher recruiting and retention, fund raising, and alumni relations.
The President's Council on Service and Civic Participation (the Council) was established in 2003 to recognize the valuable contributions volunteers are making in our communities and encourage more people to serve. The Council created the President’s Volunteer Service Award program as a way to thank and honor Americans who, by their demonstrated commitment and example, inspire others to engage in volunteer service. IBEC IS PROUD TO HAVE BEEN GIVEN CERTIFYING OFFICE STATUS.
I have followed Dr. Barnhart’s career, via the Internet and by way of my own network of international education scholars and colleagues, and I repeatedly thought to myself, “now here is the one consultant that has put all of the pieces together”. When higher education made the transition to Internet and internationalism, the entire field was transformed. Steve was continually the analyst who could interpret, apply and explain the changes; and he created a viable network of contacts, associates and associations to form enduring partnerships that have made him the most efficient, knowledgeable and expeditious higher education consultant I have encountered. Steve leaves many other consultants in the dust because his partnerships allow him to move on things and get things done. Steve also leaves many consultants in the past because he is so well versed on industry developments and regulations. I was happy to join the IBEC team because I had experienced firsthand the capabilities this team has to accomplish educational goals.
Dr. Ken Rabac
Amity College, Florida